Drew McIntyres long-standing feud with The Best in the World, CM Punk, reached a climax at the WWE Clash at The Castle Premium Live Event, where Punk cost McIntyre one of the biggest matches of his career.

During the main event between Damian Priest and Drew McIntyre, the referee was knocked out, and McIntyre was poised to win. Suddenly, a referee appeared, revealed to be Punk, who delivered a low blow to McIntyre.

This allowed Damian Priest to capitalize on the chaos and execute the South of Heaven chokeslam on McIntyre to secure the victory and hand McIntyre a tearful loss in front of his own people of Scotland.

As the show went off the air, a user on X posted a video in which McIntyre, alongside his fellow UK native and WWE commentator Wade Barrett, seemed infuriated at the outcome. Both men were visibly agitated and sounded off to the backstage area, witnessing the situation, with Barrett even labelling it as the biggest screwjob since Bret Harts 1997 Montreal incident.


Moreover, WWE even released footage on Twitter showing Punk backstage asking referee Jessica Carr for referee shirt before interfering in the match.

With CM Punks actions costing Drew McIntyre a chance of a lifetime and possibly solidifying his role as the heel in this ongoing feud, we will have to wait and see what Drew has to say on the upcoming edition of Monday Night RAW.

What are your thoughts on Wade Barrett and Drew McIntyre sounding off following the stunning conclusion to WWE Clash at the Castle? Sound off in the comments!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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