Chad Gables WWE contract was expiring and fans wondered what he would end up doing next. Ultimately, he chose to re-sign with WWE and competed at Clash at The Castle and now Triple H has addressed Chad Gables decision to stick with WWE.

While speaking duringthe post-Clash at The Castle press conference, Triple H talked about Chad Gable re-signing with WWE. The Game praised Chad Gable, calling him an amazing performer he hopes will stay with WWE indefinitely.

The Game made it clear he wanted Gable to be seen by a wide audience and to leave the company as healthy as possible. Talking about the positive changes in the WWE environment, Triple H emphasized Gables role in those changes and expressed relief that Gable chose to remain with the company.

Triple H acknowledged that if Gable had left, he would have wished him success, recognizing that such decisions are part of the business but would have been sad as well for him to go. While he refrained from divulging the specifics of their conversations, he expressed joy that Gable considers WWE his home. Triple H concluded by celebrating the collective effort and camaraderie within the organization.


Unfortunately for Chad Gable, he was unable to defeat Sami Zayn for the Intercontinental Championship at Clash at The Castle. Well have to see how his storyline with Otis and Sami Zayn will progress in the coming weeks, as it is clear WWE has big plans for Gable.

Do you feel Chad Gable will eventually become the Intercontinental Champion after re-signing with WWE? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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