Hikaru Shida, definitely one of the top stars in AEWs womens division and a mainstay in the company, has been notably absent for the past two months. However, this changed on the June 15th edition of AEW Collision, where Shida appeared in a vignette and now she has reacted to her return.

For the past several months, Hikaru Shida had been working in Ring of Honor, where she had a solid feud with Athena for the ROH Womens Championship. However, she had been absent since ROH Supercard of Honor back in April.

In a vignette during the June 15 edition of AEW Collision, Hikaru Shida announced her entry into the 2024 Owen Hart Foundation Cup Tournament. Following her appearance, Shida took to Twitter and reacted to her appearance as she touted her name trending on Twitter.

Hikaru Shida last won the AEW Womens Championship after defeating Saraya back in October last year but eventually dropped it and is now looking to win the Owen Hart tournament in order to challenge Toni Storm for the title again. Therefore, well have to see if she will be successful in her endeavor this time around.

Are you looking forward to seeing Hikaru Shida back in action after so long? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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