Shane McMahon is widely regarded as a pillar of integrity within the McMahon family, and with good cause. After his absence from WWE following WrestleMania 39, Shane-O-Mac has kept a low profile. However, there are those who still feel he might return to pro wrestling. In fact, according to Jim Ross, the possibility of Shane McMahon making his way to AEW cannot be dismissed.

Shane McMahon was last seen at WrestleMania 39, where he suffered a torn quad, abruptly halting his match against The Miz. Since then, he has not appeared on WWE television but fans still hold hope he will come back to the business.

Shane McMahons future in wrestling remains uncertain, but Jim Ross addressed the possibility of him joining AEW during an episode of Grilling JR. When Conrad Thompson mentioned that it would be crazy, Ross responded thoughtfully as he noted that its so crazy that it might just work out somehow.

As for Shane McMahon, he was recently spotted at New York Yankees game. We will have to wait and see if Shane-O-Mac will somehow end up in AEW, as that would undoubtedly change the course of professional wrestling in a big way.

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Publisher: Ring side news

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