AEW star Buddy Matthews has broken his silence following an apparent injury on the June 15 episode of AEW Collision.

During a trios match where Matthews teamed with Malakai Black and Brody King against Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, and Juice Robinson, he seemed to suffer a knee injury. The incident occurred after Matthews executed a Meteora on Robinson and immediately clutched his knee before tagging in Brody King.

Following the commercial break, Matthews was seen being helped to the back by officials while King and Black continued the match, ultimately securing victory with interference from PAC.

Taking to Twitter, Matthews shared a single emoji: .


In an intriguing turn of events, Matthews was later featured in an angle where the Patriarchy faction appeared on screen, showing Matthews on the floor after an apparent attack. This segment has sparked speculation that it might have been quickly put together to write Matthews off TV. However, its currently unclear whether this was a pre-planned storyline or a response to his injury.

The extent of Buddy Matthews injury remains uncertain. We will continue to provide updates on Matthews condition as more information becomes available.

Ringside News wishes Buddy Matthews a safe and speedy recovery.

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Publisher: Ring side news

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