During theClash at The Castle Premium Live Event, Bayley ended up defending her WWE Womens Championship against Piper Niven and fans were happy with this decision. The night didnt end for her afterwards, as she ended up celebrating her birthday with CM Punk.

The main event of Clash at The Castle saw CM Punk screwing Drew McIntyre out of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship after he came out dressed as referee and cost McIntyre in a big way.

The Second City Saint took to his Instagram story and uploaded a photo of himself with Bayley as he even gave her a cake as the two were all smiles in the photo.

CM Punk also confirmed his in-ring return status after Clash at The Castle Premium Live Event. Regardless, we will have to wait and see whats next in store for both Punk and Bayley, as they both made an impact at the show.

Are you always happy to see CM Punk and Bayley being such good friends? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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