Bayley currently holds the WWE Womens Championship, which she won by defeating Io Sky at WrestleMania 40. With a wealth of experience in her career, its certainly unsurprising that she is open to the idea of competing in TNA in the future.

WWE has recently strengthened its ties with other promotions, given further emphasis through TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Graces appearance on NXT TV and IYO SKYs scheduled match in the Marigold Destiny event in July.

While speaking with Cultaholic, Bayley expressed her interest in potentially collaborating with promotions like Marigold and TNA. Bayley revealed her excitement for the recent developments and didnt rule out competing in Marigold in the future. She shared her excitement upon seeing Jordynne Grace on NXT and immediately reached out to WWE executives Triple H and Shawn Michaels, expressing her desire to be involved in such historic matches.

The ongoing collaboration between TNA and WWE remains a significant topic of discussion, especially with stars from both promotions assisting each others growth. It remains to be seen when Bayley might make her appearance on TNA television.

Do you want to see Bayley make her way to TNA? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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