Velveteen Dreams tenure in WWE took a sharp turn following allegations that sparked the hashtag #FireVelveteenDream whenever he appeared on television. This controversy marked one of the most dramatic falls from grace in WWE history. While he has returned to professional wrestling, it seems Dream has recently undergone a complete transformation in his appearance.

Velveteen Dream began 2024with an apology video addressing multiple scandals, expressing remorse and hinting atpotentially returning to the ring. As it turns out, Velveteen Dream then made his in-ringappearance for the first time in years at Dynasty in New York.

The former WWE Superstar recently took to his Instagram story and shared a photo revealing a striking new appearance: he now sports short red hair, a departure from his previous look that fans are not accustomed to seeing.

Mark Henry also believes Velveteen Dream deserves second chance after all the controversy he went through. Nonetheless, it remains to be seen what Velveteen Dream will end up doing next as its clear he is trying to begin his life anew in 2024.


Do you feel Velveteen Dreams new look will help him reach new heights in 2024? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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