WWE has been engaging fans with a captivating campaign featuring QR codes and glitch effects. Since WrestleMania 40, speculation has been rampant that these teasers could hint at the return of Bo Dallas, possibly under his previous persona, Uncle Howdy. Interestingly, WWE seemingly dropped an Uncle Howdy tease during a commercial break for the June 14th edition of SmackDown.

WWE recently added a QR code during theJune 14th edition of Friday Night SmackDown and we had already revealed that the QR code signified the return of Uncle Howdy on the June 17th edition of Monday Night RAW.

Ringside News has obtained footage of WWE airing a major Uncle Howdy tease during the commercial break for this weeks episode of Friday Night SmackDown, as it showed some distorted sounds and flickering lights, reminiscent of Howdy.

With these ongoing teasers, WWE is effectively generating excitement and anticipation for a potentially thrilling storyline involving Uncle Howdy and his rumored new stable. Fans are eagerly awaiting more clues as the mystery continues to unfold, with expectations that the culmination could be revealed as soon as next week on Monday Night RAW.


Do you feel Uncle Howdys return and subsequent faction arrival will be booked well by WWE? Sound off in the comments section below!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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