The world of professional wrestling is a harsh and unforgiving landscape, as many deaths have taken place over the past year. Unfortunately, we are sad to report that Big Cat Scott Henson has passed away.

The news of Scott Hensons passing was announced by Canadian Apex Wrestling on Facebook early on the morning of June 16, 2024. The organization expressed deep sadness over the loss of their Tag Team Champion and beloved friend. They extended heartfelt condolences to his family and friends, emphasizing Hensons profound impact on the Pacific Northwest wrestling community.

His contributions were significant, often working behind the scenes to propel many careers forward. Canadian Apex Wrestling conveyed their love for Scott and noted the void his absence leaves, acknowledging how much he will be profoundly missed.

Scott Henson, standing 6-foot-1/2, was born on July 13, 1983, in Vancouver, British Columbia. He began his wrestling career in October 2002 and was also known by his ring names Scoot and Jimmy James. Throughout his career, Henson achieved notable success, including becoming a two-time Solid Steel Champion in 2016 within the 3-2-1 Battle! promotion. His presence in the wrestling community was significant, marked by both his in-ring performances and his contributions outside the ring.

His long-time partner, Sarian Soft Paws, posted a heartfelt message on Twitter, reflecting on the sudden loss of his best friend and tag team partner. He shared the deep bond they had, describing Scott as the funniest, most outrageous, and ridiculous person he had ever met. Sarian recounted the almost 24-hour period they spent together before Hensons sudden passing, expressing the surreal and painful reality of losing someone so close.

We would like to offer our deepest condolences to Big Cat Scott Hensons family and loved ones during this sad time and pray that his soul rests in peace.

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Publisher: Ring side news

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