TNA Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Gracechallenged Roxanne Perez for the NXT Womens Championship at the2024 NXT Battleground Premium Live Event, but she lost in the end. The match wasnt without incident as Grace ended up getting her ear-piercing ripped out, and she has now revealed her reaction to the incident.

Jordynne Grace had a world of momentum behind her heading into the match, but it was Roxanne Perez who came out on top when all was said and done. Afterwards, Grace revealed piece of her ear had been cut off yet again after her ear piercing was ripped out of her ear.

In an interview with Fightfuls Sean Ross Sapp, Jordynne Grace talked about the incident where her ear-piercing was ripped out at NXT Battleground. She described the injury as severe, noting that her ear was torn all the way through. Grace expressed her sadness over the incident and recalled how others around her reacted with concern, asking if she was okay due to the bleeding.


Despite their worries, she reassured them that she was fine, although she was quite angry about the situation. She clarified that her anger stemmed from the fact that it had happened again and that she wasnt hurt or looking to stop the match.

Thesame thinghappened to Jordynne Grace during the May 23rd Impact television tapings, so we certainly hope Grace doesnt face such an injury again during her career now.

Were you baffled by the fact that Jordynne Grace suffered yet another ear injury in the span of a month? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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