LOS ANGELES -- Dodgers shortstop Mookie Betts suffered a fracture in his left hand when he was hit by a 97.9 mph fastball from Dan Altavilla during the seventh inning of Sunday's game against the Kansas City Royals.

The fracture, which is to a bone in Betts' left wrist, will not require surgery, according to manager Dave Roberts, but he will be out "for some time."

The pitch hit Betts at the top of the hand, near the wrist. Betts fell to the ground and was writhing in extreme pain in the batter's box as trainers and Roberts came out to tend to him.

Those watching on television and in the lower deck at Dodger Stadium could clearly hear the ball making contact with Betts' hand.

Betts went 0-for-3 Sunday to drop his batting average to .304, ninth in the majors. He was fourth in on-base percentage (.405) and tied for fifth in hits (86).

Miguel Rojas is expected to see the majority of time at shortstop, according to Roberts.

The Dodgers, who defeated the Royals 3-0, head to Colorado for a three-game series starting Monday.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Publisher: ESPN

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