Mark Henrys early days in WWE saw him as a clean-cut babyface, much like The Rock. However, his career took a significant turn when he joined the Nation of Domination as The Rocks enforcer. This role allowed Henry to showcase more personality and gain momentum within WWE.

Reflecting on his time with the faction during recent interview with Fightful, Henry expressed pride in the Nation of Dominations legacy, considering it one of the greatest factions in wrestling history.

Its hard to argue, Henry remarked. The best faction of all time.

Henry recalled the moment he was approached to join the group, noting the surprise and excitement he felt. The first person that said something to me was Vince, and then Ron Simmons and The Rock both said, Hey, you need to go down to the ring because they want to talk to all of us together. Im like, All of us? Who is us? Then Dwayne proceeded to tell me that, Yeah, its going to be my thing. Im going to bring you into the nation to help us. I was like, Oh, sh*t.


At first, I was the heavy, the fold-your-arms bodyguard type of dude, Henry continued. It was a surprise how they were making me. I just thought that I was going to go out there and do something with them and it was like a one-off. I didnt think that thats what Vince meant when he said that he was gonna put me with him tonight.

Henrys tenure in the Nation of Domination marked a pivotal moment in his career, where he evolved from a straightforward character to a more nuanced persona, setting the stage for his future success in WWE.

Do you think the Nation of Domination was the greatest faction off all time? Let us know in the comments.

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Publisher: Ring side news

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