The world of professional wrestling is a harsh and cruel landscape and for the past few years, many wrestlers have passed away for one reason or the other. We are sad to report that indie wrestler James Castle has passed away at the age of 35.

Revolution Pro took to Twitter and announced the passing of Jamie Stacey, also known as James Castle, after a four-year battle with Leukaemia. Jamie, a former tag team Champion, was highly regarded for his talent in the ring. He was the first wrestler trained from scratch at their Portsmouth School and played a crucial role behind the scenes in the establishment of RevPro.

Described as a truly wonderful human being, Jamie was remembered as a warrior and a fighter, noted for his intelligence and charisma inside the RevPro ring. RevPro acknowledged that Jamies contributions were instrumental in their existence today.

We would like to offer our deepest condolences to James Castles family and loved ones during such a sad time and we pray that his soul rests in peace.

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Publisher: Ring side news

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