Despite his prominence in pro wrestling, Kota Ibushi faced a ton of criticism for his performances last year. He was also involved in what was deemed one of the worst matches in NOAH history early in the year, which led to him undergoing surgery. Unfortunately, it seems he is encountering challenges during his rehabilitation following ankle surgery as well.

During the main event of Pro Wrestling NOAHs The New Year 2024, Naomichi Marufuji and Kota Ibushi squared off. Despite suffering a severe ankle injury during the match, Ibushi displayed remarkable resilience and completed the bout.

Following the match, the extent of Kota Ibushis injuries was revealed, including torn ligaments in his ankle. He subsequently underwent surgery to address the damage and has mentioned the potential need for further surgeries in the future.

Kota Ibushi took to Twitter and expressed concerns about discomfort in his left ankle, particularly the inner area. He wondered if there was a way to speed up the recovery process. Ibushi mentioned that he had visited several places for treatment and rehabilitation, including ongoing sessions at the hospital. He reached out, asking if anyone could offer assistance or advice in resolving his ankle issue quickly.


Kota Ibushi also showed offnasty stitches following his ankle surgery.Regardless, it is unfortunate that Ibushi is facing difficulties during his rehabilitation process, and we hope he makes a full recovery and makes his in-ring return as soon as possible.

Are you concerned about Kota Ibushis in-ring return status? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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