Chris Jericho is a true veteran in the pro wrestling world and is alsoproud to be working in AEWand isnt afraid to show it. Being a veteran of over three decades, he has seen tons of changes in the business, and it appears he isnt too fond of social medias impact on the current generation of professional wrestlers.

Social media has profoundly transformed how wrestling fans engage with the sport, making clips easily accessible and enabling anyone to offer commentary. In the wrestling industry, a viral video can propel a talent to new heights, but a mishap can just as quickly subject them to intense scrutiny.

While speaking to MSN, Chris Jericho talked about these shifts, noting how in the past, wrestlers could hone their craft over the years despite occasional bad matches, largely shielded from widespread visibility.

However, in the modern era, every performance is scrutinized as its instantly available for global viewing. Jericho believes this exposure rushes the development of wrestlers.


Chris Jericho is the current FTW World Champion and uses social media to his advantage to further expand his Learning Tree gimmick. Regardless, there will be many who agree with what Jericho had to say as the advent of social media is truly a double-edged sword.

Whats your view on what Chris Jericho had to say about social media? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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