The Undertaker, who ended his storied three-decade wrestling career in 2020, continues to influence the entire world as a popular figure. Known as The Phenom, his legacy resonates deeply within the wrestling community and beyond and he himself keeps an eye on the current top prospects of the business.

During recent interview on Insight with Chris Van Vliet, The Deadman opened up about one of the biggest regrets of his wrestling career. To the surprise of many, he was once trading his black outfit for snake skin-coloured tights.

The Phenom wore those tights for his match against Kurt Angle at the WWE Survivor Series 2000 pay-per-view and labelled them a horrible outfit.

Further, The Undertaker also mentioned that there were rumours of him forgetting his tights that night and having to borrow them from his friend, The Godfather while also opening about his request to wear a python pants to his long-time ring gear designer.

The iconic ring gear, despite Taker hating it, continues to remain memorable to this day. However, as he observes the new generation of WWE superstars, The Undertakers legacy and iconic moments continue to inspire both wrestlers and fans alike, serving as a guiding force in the wrestling world.

What are your thoughts on The Undertakers biggest regrets of his wrestling career being his snake skin pants? Sound off in the comments!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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