Nick Hogan faced DUI charge last year after authorities suspected he was driving under the influence following a traffic stop. The incident happened after Nick Hogan had judged and DJed a bikini contest at his fathers restaurant, Hogans Beach Shop and now it appears that he has pleaded guilty to the charge.

Nick Hogan, who entered plea of not guilty, was facing a serious legal situation stemming from an incident in Clearwater, FL, on November 18th at approximately 4 AM. The incident occurred after Hogan had attended a bikini contest at his fathers restaurant, Hogans Beach Shop.

According to reports, Hogan was driving his 2021 Dodge Ram when he approached a traffic stop in the median lane. Despite being instructed to pull over, he continued driving at 51 mph in a 40 mph zone. Law enforcement officers pursued him and eventually managed to stop him.

During the stop, officers observed several signs of impairment, including a strong odor of alcohol, unsteady balance, glassy and bloodshot eyes, and poor performance on field sobriety tests. Hogan allegedly refused to take a breathalyzer test upon being placed under arrest. As a result, Hogan remains embroiled in a legal process with the charges pending against him.


According to PWInsider, Nick Hogan appeared before the Pinellas County Court in the afternoon and changed his plea regarding his November 2023 arrest for misdemeanor DUI. He pleaded guilty to violating Floridas Move Over Act, a law enacted in 2023 that mandates drivers to either move over a lane or slow down to 20 miles below the posted speed limit when passing a stranded vehicle with hazard lights or another emergency signal activated.

As a result of changing his plea, there will be no trial. According to court records, Bollea was fined $136 and ordered to attend a 12-hour Advanced Driving Instruction class. If he completes this class, his driving license will not be suspended, and the case will be closed.

According to the Tampa Bay Times, Nick Hogan expressed remorse and apologized to the court on Friday, acknowledging his regret over the situation.

Nick Hogan may seek early release from probation after six months, during which he will be subject to a continuous alcohol monitoring system for the initial 120 days. Following this period, he will undergo regular alcohol and drug screenings through urine tests. Additionally, Hogan will need to pay fines totaling over $1,000 as part of his sentencing. Regardless, we certainly hope Hogan doesnt land himself into more trouble again in the future.

Do you feel this was the expected outcome of Nick Hogans case? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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