Since her return at the Royal Rumble 2023 event, Chelsea Green has made significant strides in WWE, captivating audiences with her unique antics, gorgeous photos and achieving impressive milestones.

In recent months, Chelsea Green has been featured in several high-profile matches, including competing for the NXT Womens and WWE Womens titles and being a cornerstone of the womens division in a short while.

Amidst her ongoing success, she decided to showcase the results of her hard work at the gym. The Hot Mess took to her Instagram to share a photo from a recent shoot. The photo features Chelsea wearing a catprint bikini and striking an impressive pose behind a palm tree.

The former WWE Womens Tag Team Champion recently qualified for the upcoming Womens Money in the Bank ladder match set to take place next week at the name-sake event in her home country of Canada. Having said that, fans are eagerly awaiting to see if Chelsea Green can climb the ladder and grab the golden opportunity to alter her career drastically.

What are your thoughts on Chelsea Greens latest photo drop? Sound off in the comments!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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