Randy Ortons legendary status in WWE makes him a prime target for anyone looking to make a mark. Recently, DIY member Tommaso Ciampa humorously attempted to perform Ortons signature RKO move but failed spectacularly, leading to an amusing response from Orton.

Ciampa boldly announced his intention to execute the move with his partner Johnny Gargano, who was shooting a video, but Orton effortlessly sidestepped the attempt, and Ciampa awkwardly fell to the mat.

However, the former NXT Champion did not stop in his quest there. In another video posted on Instagram, Ciampa once again attempted to hit Orton with his own move after finding him in the catering.

Much like last time, Tommaso carefully bound his time and rushed straight towards The Viper, only for Randy Orton to sidestep effortlessly once again. This led to Ciampa landing badly on a table, again failing to land an RKO out of nowhere.


Despite being embroiled in a feud with The Bloodline upon returning to WWE television recently, Orton still finds time to engage with Tommaso Ciampas antics, adding a light-hearted moment to his storyline. This playful exchange highlights Randys ability to blend humor with his intense in-ring persona, much to the delight of WWE fans.

What are your thoughts on Tommaso Ciampa once again failing to execute the RKO on Randy Orton? Sound off in the comments!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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