Gabbi Tuft, who requested her release from WWE in 2012, has made an impressive return to the wrestling ring after nearly a decade away from competition. Tuft, who announced her intentions to return to professional wrestling last year, began her training for the comeback in January.

Her much-anticipated return took place at the West Coast Pro event titled Killin Them Softly on June 25th. Tuft shared clip from her match on Twitter, highlighting her performance in the main event.

Tuft expressed her gratitude towards West Coast Pro and United Wrestling for the opportunity, noting that she and her opponent, J-Rod, delivered a thrilling 19-minute match that had the crowd chanting This is awesome. She also appreciated the additional 10-minute promo segment, which added to the excitement of the event.

This marks a significant moment for Gabbi Tuft and her fans, demonstrating that she still possesses the in-ring prowess after such a long hiatus. Fans are eagerly awaiting her next appearance and looking forward to what the future holds for her wrestling career.

Are you happy to see Gabbi Tuft returning to the ring again after so long? Sound off in the comments section below!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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