John Cena is considered one of the greatest in professional wrestling, even though he doesnt wear traditional gear. His career led him to Hollywood, leaving him one World Title short of Ric Flairs record. Jonathan Coachman believes it should remain that way.

Pro wrestling outcomes are pre-determined, so anyone can be booked to win. However, booking someone like Cena or Flair requires a high level of skill and charisma to avoid alienating fans.

Speaking on The Angle Podcast, Coachman criticized the idea of Cena winning a 17th World Title to match Ric Flair. Coach also brought up how Cena himself realizes that his body cant take the rigors on the road and bumps in the ring that another World Title run would require.

Its unlikely Cena will achieve a 17th World Title reign unless its a brief one, which seems improbable. He has transitioned to Hollywood, where he earns more and avoids the physical toll of wrestling.

Cena will return to WWE eventually. He hasnt officially retired yet, and although a retirement match has been hinted at, theres a chance he has another match left in him.

What do you think about John Cena winning another World Title? Should anyone surpass Ric Flair? Share your thoughts in the comments section!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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