On June 26, All Elite Wrestling taped AEW Collision at the KeyBank Center in Buffalo, NY, for this weekends episode. The matches will be aired on Saturdays episode, dated June 29th.

Orange Cassidy & Tomohiro Ishii defeated TMDK (Shane Haste & Robbie Eagles).

Stephanie Vaquer defeated Lady Frost. After the match, Mercedes Mone confronted Vaquer in the ring, only to be blindsided by Zeuxis. Vaquer then laid out Mone.

Samoa Joe, Katsuyori Shibata, and HOOK brawled with Chris Jericho, Big Bill, and Bryan Keith. Jeff Cobb joined Team Jericho, helping them take out Joe, Shibata, and HOOK. Cobb and Samoa Joe had a brief staredown.


Hechicero was able to beat Kevin Blackwood.

Daniel Garcia picked up the win over The Butcher.

In the Owen Hart Foundation Cup Tournament Quarterfinal, Hikaru Shida defeated Deonna Purrazzo. Purrazzo tried to use Shidas kendo stick, but Thunder Rosa intervened and prevented her.

Jack Perry, Konosuke Takeshita, and El Phantasmo defeated Mark Briscoe, Dante Martin, and Lio Rush. This concluded the Collision tapings.

What do you think of these spoilers? Which match are you looking forward to the most? Sound off in the comments section below!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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