The fall of WCW is a significant topic within the wrestling community, and there are numerous factors attributed to its demise and one name synonymous with WCW is undoubtedly Eric Bischoff. In fact, The Rock recently had very high praise for the WWE Hall of Famer.

During the final episode of the Who Killed WCW? documentary series on VICE, Dwayne Johnson praised Eric Bischoff, acknowledging their friendship and Bischoffs significant contributions to the wrestling industry during the 1990s boom period.

The Rock expressed admiration for Eric Bischoff, stating that he belongs on the Mount Rushmore of professional wrestling executives for his impact on WCW.

The Rock also previously revealed his true feelings about Vince Russo jumping ship to WCW. Regardless, the docuseries has come to an end and only time will tell whether another show regarding WCWs demise will be made.

What do you think of what The Rock had to say about Eric Bischoff? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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