Tony Khan continues to surprise AEW fans with new hires, the latest being Ray Lloyd, known as Glacier. Glacier, a former WCW star, has been working with AEW for a few months.

On a recent episode of AEW Dynamite, Glacier appeared on screen breaking up a fight, sparking curiosity about his role in the company. Was he just an extra, or did he have a more permanent position?

Fightful Selects Sean Ross Sapp confirmed that Glacier has been hired by AEW as a producer and coach. Despite his new role, Glacier hasnt retired from in-ring action. He competed at QT Marshalls TCW show in February and participated in a few matches in 2022. Glacier was also a part of the first Casino Battle Royale in AEW history back in 2019.

This addition comes at a time when AEW has lost some key backstage personnel. Both Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson have departed. Jenn Pepperman has been brought in, mainly dealing with Mercedes Mons segments. Jake Roberts and Jim Ross remain with the company but have limited roles due to health issues.


It remains to be seen if Glaciers new position will lead to more on-screen appearances. AEW fans are eager to see what other surprises Tony Khan has in store.

Whats your take on AEW bringing in Glacier? Who should Tony Khan call next? Share your thoughts in the comments section!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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