Tony Khan has his reasons for booking his programming as he does. Various factors influence his decisions, including timing. With AEW and ROH to manage, there are many moving pieces. Khan recently explained his reasoning for booking a World Title match before the next ROH pay-per-view.

During a recent media call to promote Forbidden Door, Tony Khan fielded many questions from the media. Some questions were about ROH and the upcoming AEW pay-per-view.

When asked about the decision to feature Mark Briscoe vs. Kyle Fletcher for the ROH World Championship before Death Before Dishonor, Tony Khan explained that both wrestlers have busy schedules with worldwide bookings. He emphasized his commitment to delivering excellent matches for HonorClub subscribers and the wider fan base.

We will have to see if this boosts HonorClub, which is still operational. Its anyones guess how Tony Khan will manage all his responsibilities, but he certainly had to work out many details for that ROH World Title match.


Whats your take on Tony Khans booking style? Has his booking improved over time? Share your thoughts in the comments section!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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