Bron Breakker made hismain roster debut at the Royal Rumble and in the months since then, he has been on an absolute tear and booked like a true beast. In fact, Hulk Hogan believes Breakker could be the next Steve Austin.

While speaking to Bill Apter of Sportskeeda, Hulk Hogan expressed his thoughts on the prospects of Breakker and what could be next for him. Hogan made it clear he sees a bright future for Breakker and that he believes Breakker could be the next Rock or Steve Austin.

Asked if he sees similarities to Bill Goldberg, Hogan noted many parallels, mentioning that Breakker has that extra spice. While Bill, Rock, and he each had their unique qualities, Breakker combines all of those and adds something more. Hogan remarked on Breakkers potential, emphasizing that hes just getting started and predicting great things once he fully figures it out.


Hogan continued by stating that Breakker has moved beyond the initial phase of his career and can go the distance. He has been trained correctly, put in the necessary time, and is ready to progress. Hogan hopes Breakker continues to learn and gain wisdom, pointing out that some wrestlers spend decades in the business without fully understanding it.

Bron Breakker is set to challenge Sami Zayn for the WWE Intercontinental Championship at WWE Money in the Bank, so well have to see if he will end in the end and eventually end up becoming a star like Steve Austin.

Do you believe Bron Breakker could be the next Steve Austin? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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