Hulk Hogans trailblazing careertruly changed the course of professional wrestling in many ways. Hes also a smart businessman and he has now revealed how WWE has actually been helping him with his business venture.

Hulk Hogans fans can purchase his WCW and WWE merchandise at beach shops in Clearwater and Orlando, Florida, as well as online through Hulk Hogans Wrestling Shop. While speaking to Sportskeeda Wrestling Senior Editor Bill Apter, Hogan explained his motivation behind opening these stores.

The Hulkster also revealed that WWE permits him to sell other wrestlers merchandise in his beach shops and he is very grateful to the company for that fact as they are actively helping his business.


Thats not all as Hulk Hogan recently unveiled his own line of beercalledReal American Beer.The WWE Hall of Famers business is clearly booming and prospering in all avenues, so fans certainly hope it stays that way for a long time.

Whats your view on WWE helping out Hulk Hogans business? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Disclaimer: This story is auto-aggregated by a computer program and has not been created or edited by TakeSporty.
Publisher: Ring side news

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