Dijak had an impressive run in NXT last year, but his transition to the main roster proved disappointing, leading to his imminent departure from WWE this week. Following this news, he has revealed the substantial cuts WWE took from his Cameo earnings.

Dijaks contract was set to expire this month with no indications of renewal, which has now been confirmed. He then announced that June 28th would mark his last day under contract with WWE, and he will subsequently become a free agent.

Dijak took to Twitter and commemorated his imminent WWE departure by revealing that the company used to take 50% off his Cameo earnings. Dijak then cut the price of his current videos to $49.

Dijak also got his first booking offer as well. Its quite shocking WWE still employs such tactics on their Superstars, but Dijak can now truly perform the way he wants to as a professional wrestler, so well have to see what he does next.

Whats your view on this revelation brought forth by Dijak? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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