Mercedes Mone reflected on the night she walked out of WWE during an appearance on WFAN, shedding some light on the decision that sparked headlines.

Back in May 2022, Mone, known as Sasha Banks during her WWE tenure, along with Naomi, left the company amidst creative differences with Vince McMahon, despite holding the WWE Womens Tag Team Championships at the time. This move led to their indefinite suspension from WWE SmackDown.

Addressing the incident, Mercedes hinted at the complexities behind her departure, teasing that full details might only be revealed in a future book.

When pressed on backstage issues, she emphasized a personal evolution from being a Legit Boss to taking charge as a CEO in her own life. She described a pivotal moment of clarity where she felt compelled to pursue personal growth and stand up against what she perceived as unjust circumstances. This decision, she claimed, paved the way for her current success, highlighting her achievements as one of the highest-paid women in wrestling history, holding the TBS Championship in AEW and pursuing the New Japan Strong Womens Championship.

Since leaving WWE officially at the start of 2023 and subsequently joining New Japan Pro-Wrestling, Mercedes Mone has continued to ascend in the wrestling world. Her journey led her to AEW, where she debuted in March 2024. Meanwhile, Naomi opted to re-sign with WWE in January 2024 after a stint with TNA Wrestling.

Mercedes is now gearing up for a major match at AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door, where she will face Stephanie Vaquer in a title vs. title showdown. Mercedes will defend her AEW TBS Title against Vaquers NJPW Strong Womens Title, marking another significant milestone in her career.

What are your thoughts on Mercedes Mones reflections about her decision to leave WWE and her subsequent success in AEW and NJPW? How do you feel about her upcoming title vs. title match against Stephanie Vaquer at AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door? Share your opinions and excitement in the comments below!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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