Mercedes Mone is undoubtedly one of the most popular female pro wrestlers right now and with fame comes a selection of fans who try to hoard memorabilia for her to sign at airports. Mone has once again taken a stand against such fans recently.

The practice of fans gathering at airports to meet professional wrestlers has become increasingly contentious. While spontaneous encounters are typically welcomed, theres a growing concern about a specific group of fans who arrive with extensive merchandise solely to collect autographs for resale, often on platforms like eBay.

This commercialization of fan interactions has understandably led to frustration among wrestlers, who feel exploited and disrespected by those prioritizing profit over genuine admiration for their work.

Last year, a video circulated on social media showing Rey Mysterio declining to sign an autograph at an airport. The fan involved seemed focused on monetizing Mysterios signature, highlighting broader issue faced by wrestlers. Rhea Ripley also experienced a similar situation at an airport, where she encountered overwhelming fan demands and voiced her frustration with the lack of respect for her boundaries in such encounters.


While speaking to WFAN, Mercedes Mone expressed her frustration over the issue. She stated that she has faced harassment for saying she does not sign at airports, viewing it as a form of stalking. Knowing her flight details or hotel stays feels invasive to her. At the arena, shes happy to meet fans and sign autographs, but after long flights, she prefers personal space. She made it clear that she dislikes being handed items meant for resale and aims to keep interactions genuine. She politely declines such requests to maintain boundaries.

Recently, footage emerged ofLiv Morgan engaging with fans seeking autographs at an airport. Nevertheless, Mercedes Mone will never sign autographs at the airports and fans have to accept that fact.

Do you feel Mercedes Mone has every right to criticize fans who try to ambush her at airports? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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