WWE is an ever-changing company and there are lots of people who eventually leave the promotion and one such name is Ryan Callahan, who was the former Head Writer for SmackDown before leaving last week and now the reason for his exit has been revealed.

As previously reported, Longtime WWE creative writer John Swikata was promoted to lead writer for WWE SmackDown as of last week. Swikata replaced Ryan Callahan, who has parted ways with WWE.

According to Dave Meltzer in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, it was indicated that while Callahan was highly talented, he faced challenges due to interpersonal dynamics and criticisms related to Jennifer Peppermans departure, which some link to Mercedes Mones move to AEW.

There were also concerns that it became difficult for lower-level talent to communicate with him. The pressures of diplomacy and burnout likely contributed to his decision to step down.

Under Callahans tenure, SmackDown became a major success, consistently ranking as the top show on Friday nights and often the highest-rated entertainment program of the week, though it competes against network television shows with larger audiences. Despite his success, it was felt that Callahan preferred a more focused writing role rather than navigating interpersonal challenges.

We have also reported John Swikatas impact during his SmackDown debut. Regardless, WWE will continue to move forward without Ryan Callahan and that is simply how the business goes.

Did you ever expect to see Ryan Callahan leave WWE? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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