Penta El Zero Miedo has been a key figure in AEW since its inception. Recently, reports suggested that his contract with AEW was set to expire this year, sparking speculation about his future.

The popular luchador confirmed that the reports about his AEW contract expiring and WWEs interest were merely rumours. Penta clarified that neither he nor his agent had been contacted by WWE and that his primary focus remains on AEW.

However, in the latest Wrestling Observer Newsletter, it was reported that Pent El Zero Miedos current AEW contract expires roughly in the next two months. Furthermore, despite being a prominent fixture for the company, the report also mentioned that he was open to leaving AEW.

Penta El Zero Miedo, alongside Rey Fenix, collectively known as The Lucha Brothers, remains a highlight of AEW television for now. But with this new development reported, fans will have to wait and see what decision Penta makes when his contract eventually expires.

What are your thoughts on reports of Penta El Zero Miedo being open to leaving AEW after contract expiry in nearly two months? Sound off in the comments!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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