WWE boasts a roster filled with immensely talented Superstars. However, it is also true that several talents have departed the company for various reasons. One notable example is Matt Cardona, who has since emerged as a prominent figure in the independent wrestling scene after being released by WWE in 2020.

Cardona is known to make multiple appearances for various promotions and signings. He recently appeared for World Series Wrestling and had an interesting yet odd fan interaction for which he got paid.

The Indy God took to his X to announce that a fan named Michael at the event had paid Matt Cardona to land a chop at his request for his birthday. Michael took off his shirt, and Cardona landed a chop straight on his chest, with Michael not even flinching at the impact.

Apart from Matt Cardonas fan odd fan shenanigans, he recently expressed an interest in WWE comeback. The fact has been evident from his social media tweets. While he continues to excel on the independent circuit as one of the biggest stars, we will have to wait and see if WWE shows any interest in signing him back. Till then, Matt can continue his fan interactions and possibly make more cash at their odd requests.

What are your thoughts on a fan paying Matt Cardona to chop him on the occasion of his birthday? Sound off in the comments!

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Publisher: Ring side news

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