Jayden Daniels surprised the NFL public with his last performance, but also with those before that. The young quarterback of the Washington Commanders is emerging as the leader of a team, even though he is a rookie who has yet to do great things. It is impressive how focused and determined Daniels is, but also calm, no matter how difficult the situation is.
The volleys of praise started after the last match where he excelled, with Tommy Brady also praising him. During a guest appearance on Let's go, the 47-year-old quarterback stresses that Jayden is the profile of a player who is not afraid to make mistakes.
Having confidence, Tom believes, is crucial, not only in American football, but also in other sports.
"How do we really evaluate confidence? How do we evaluate poise? Because some people have it. The moments aren't too big for them. They look at the challenge and they think about, 'Man, this is gonna be amazing when we go out and beat these guys.' And other guys look at the challenge and go, 'Oh man, I really don't want to mess up.' And I think that fear of failure... keeps them from the ultimate confidence that they have in themselves, which allows them to grow to their maximum potential," said Brady, as quoted by SI.
Brady compares Daniels and Woods
Brady impressed the golf public, especially those who follow both sports, saying that Daniels reminds him a lot of the young Tiger Woods, who was not afraid to compete against much more experienced colleagues who made great things before.
No matter how old you are, your hunger and desire for success, and other characteristics, can be the key to success. Brady is also a similar player profile, as he is not afraid of anyone being on the field.
"So, even though Jayden Daniels is just a rookie, he has that poise and confidence. Imagine... a young Tiger Woods. He had never proven on the big stage that he was ready for those big moments in the Masters in '97, but he had proved that to himself in all those junior amateurs that he won, that he didn't care who he was playing. It was him versus him."