Odyssey Jones had aremarkable debut on RAWlast year, butallegations of domestic violencewould lead toWWE firing himin the end and ending his run with the company. After months of waiting, Jones has finally revealed what really went down when it came to his release.
While speaking on theBurn After Rolling podcast, Odyssey Jones talked about his WWE release and how everything happened. What upset him the most wasnt what happened but the long wait with nothing to do. He waited 15 months to get started, finally got some momentum, but then had to wait another four or five months before anything happened again.
Jones simply said he didnt know about the allegations against him until after he was released. Since everything happened so fast, he assumed the worst but didnt know exactly what was said. He was more disappointed than angry because he had a past issue with the woman involved, and WWE already knew about it. He had reported it when he first joined, so he felt the way they handled things was strange.
At first, he didnt take the allegations too seriously, thinking that if he had really done something wrong, there would have been legal consequences. Looking back, he feels he should have told WWE earlier, but he was afraid they would fire him on the spot. Since he had already spent so much time doing nothing, he wanted a chance to prove himself.
Jones revealed that he first heard about the situation the week of his debut and later had a meeting to explain his side. He thought WWEs legal team would help him, but he soon realized they were there to protect the company, not him. That made him feel like he wasnt really part of WWEs future plans.
Following his WWE release, Odyssey Jones has made a splash in the independent circuit, where he continues to hone his craft. While its not known if he will ever return to WWE, Jones is simply grateful for the opportunity to work in WWE, despite the way his run ended.
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