Will Ospreays no-filter approach just got his latest interview age-restricted on YouTube, and Chris Van Vliet is taking it in stride.
Van Vliet, who sat down with Ospreay for a deep dive into his AEW signing, 5-star matches, and Triple Hs infamous grind comment, revealed that YouTube wasnt too thrilled with the British stars generous use of profanity.
Taking to Twitter, Van Vliet shared a screenshot of the message he received from YouTube, confirming that the video had been restricted due to its content.
Apparently YouTube didnt like Will Ospreays generous use of the F-word and they age restricted our interview , he wrote.
The message from YouTube stated: Hi Chris Van Vliet, We reviewed Will Ospreay On Signing With AEW, 5-Star Matches, Triple Hs Comments, MJF, Bryan Danielson again and confirmed its not appropriate for younger audiences under our Community Guidelines. Your video will remain age restricted.
It seems Ospreays uncensored style might have been too much for YouTubes content policies. Given his reputation for cutting loose in interviews, its hardly surprising, but it does limit how many people can now watch the full discussion without signing in.
This restriction comes as Ospreay continues to make headlines, particularly after doubling down on his belief that Triple Hs comments about wrestlers avoiding the grind were directed at him. While he later admitted to going overboard with his responseespecially his on-air jab at Triple Hs relationship with Stephanie McMahonOspreay remains unapologetically himself, F-bombs and all.
Do you think You Tube was too strict with this restriction, or is You Tube just Will Ospreay Crybabies? Please share your thoughts and feedback in the comment section below.