John Cenas shocking heel turn at Elimination Chamber left fans stunned, and WWE has been playing it up with intense recap packages. However, Cena has yet to actually speak on the betrayal, skipping the following episode of Raw and staying off SmackDown. Now, its being said that WWE is working on a major angle for his return, and it could involve a brutal confrontation with R-Truth.
Originally, Cody Rhodes was set for more than just his fiery SmackDown promo about Cena, The Rock, and Travis Scott. According to Fightful Select, Rhodes was supposed to have a backstage segment with R-Truth, but it never aired. When asked why, sources backstage didnt have a clear answer, though speculation pointed to WWE wanting to preserve the serious tone of Rhodes promo.
The belief was that adding comedyespecially after Rhodes got beaten down by Cena and The Rockwould have watered down the emotion of his speech. WWE had already given fans a Rhodes-Truth moment the previous week, where Truth, a longtime Cena fan, struggled to process Cenas betrayal. While many were expecting a follow-up, WWE scrapped it, possibly because of bigger plans in the works.
On The Wrestling Informer Podcast, Billi Bhatti reported an interesting development regarding Cenas return. According to Bhatti, John Cena will return to WWE television in Brussels during the European tour on March 17, and many expect this to be the place where he addresses his heel turn. Cena turned heel at Elimination Chamber but wasnt on Raw afterward and isnt scheduled to appear on Raw tonight at Madison Square Garden. However, tonights MSG show is packed, and I would expect a return of Roman Reigns. I also imagine well see that recap video another six times, just like on SmackDown.
While Brussels seems like the spot for Cena to break his silence, theres one problemWWE might not be comfortable with it. Bhatti explained, Cena is likely to return on Monday, but Im hearing from reliable sources that WWE may be reluctant to have him actually speak and address his turn verbally in Brussels. The concern is that Brussels is not an English-speaking city, and Belgiums primary language is not English. So, will WWE get the reaction they want from the promo? This is a major momentCenas first promo since turning heeland the idea being floated is that he will be interrupted by R-Truth.
That interruption could turn into something far more dramatic than a typical comedy bit. According to Bhatti, Now, this isnt confirmed news, but Ive been told it has been heavily discussed to the point where Im comfortable reporting it. Im not saying its going to happen, but it does seem like WWE is very keen on this direction. At this juncture, R-Truth is likely to interrupt Cena, and instead of making this Cenas first full promo as a heel, WWE would use the segment to generate more heat.
Truth idolizes Cena and has played up their friendship on TV for years. If this angle happens, Cena could crush that dynamic in an instant. Bhatti continued, Cena turning on R-Truthwho has openly stated that Cena is his childhood idol and often mimics him in kayfabewould be a huge moment. If Cena destroys R-Truth to the point where we even get some color, it would put significant heat on him. R-Truth is a beloved comedy character, but this would be a powerful way to solidify Cenas turn. It also solves WWEs concern about Cena cutting a major promo in English in a non-English-speaking country, as the angle itself would compensate for that.
Its a smart move from WWEs perspective. Cena drawing blood on R-Truth would be a brutal, symbolic way to cement his new villainous side without relying on a long promo. It also sets up immediate sympathy for Truth, making him an emotional focal point for fans. If this plan goes through, Cenas return in Brussels might not be about what he saysit could be about what he does.
What do you think about this potential angle for John Cena? Would this be the best way to establish his heel character? Please share your thoughts and feedback in the comment section below.