Gary Player is a man about whom we do not need to spend too many words, considering his importance to the golf scene and the golf community. The 89-year-old golfer left a huge mark in this sport, witnessing the evolution of this sport, various changes and modifications.
Comparing golf of the past and the present, there are many differences, and it is really difficult to answer which era was the best. Older fans probably lean towards the old days, while younger fans prefer the current period.
Player pointed out what is the main problem of modern golf, sharing his views. Player revealed why he thinks this game is much easier than before.
If you have a slight tremble in golf you cannot win majors. Now they come along and anchor that and theres no more tremble. No more tremble at all. You have made the game so much easier, and you have basically in my opinion, golf is 30 to 40 percent nerves. You have taken the nerves out, Player said, as quoted by The Golfing Gazette.
Coming down the line I had done all this mind changing and exercising and keeping my body in shape and be prepared for the last nine holes. Now a guy comes along and has a belly putter, and he has the yips but he can handle it."
Gary Player shares his views
Twenty-seven years ago, Gary Player noticed a problem in the game and voiced his disagreement. He believes that nerves and mental training were essential to success in golf, and that they accounted for 40 percent of the game, almost half of the entire game. This great golfer stresses that modern devices such as belly putters had removed this important aspect of the game, which he considered problematic.
Player also shares that today's sport should take two key steps immediately. First, reduce the distance the ball can travel by 50 yards, and second, ban the use of belly and long putters, because he feels that these devices made the game easier and eliminated the difficitulties that players previously had to overcome.