TNA had their most recent set of tapings in March 15 as the fall out from Sacrifice takes place. Below, you will see the spoilers courtesy of PWInsider.
Maggie Lee starts off in control, using her strength and technique to keep Dani Luna grounded.Luna fights back and takes control with an impressive display of power and agility. She delivers apowerbomb in the corner, leaving Lee stunned. Sensing the moment, Dani capitalizes and finishes Lee off with a modified powerbomb for the win.
TNA Knockouts Champion Masha Slamovich is coming out, talking about Cora Jade bringing the fight, but shes still the champ. She takes pride in TNA and is on a mission to prove to the world that shes the best. The belt proves it, and shes ready to defend itTessa Blanchard is out to a chorus of boos. She claims shes the best. Slamovich gets jumped by Jacey Jayne. Security rushes outSantino Marella out to a major pop! The crowd goes wild for him, chanting his name. Santino makes it official: Next week, Slamovich vs. Jade! And Blanchard? Banned from ringside.
TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions Heather and Ash by Elegance are out. They demand their cake and a moment of silence for Spitfire. From NXT, Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson arrive, declaring themselves the true tag team champions and demanding their belts. Spitfire is out and they want their rematch right now! Gigi Dolin and Tatum Paxleyjointhe fray, stating that they want the TNA Tag Titles as well. There is a big brawl.
Santino Marella rushes out again, declaring, This is out of control!
He announcesElegance will defend the titles next week against Gigi and Tatum with Spitfirebanned from ringside.
Lei Ying Lee and Xia Brookside def. Rosemary and Savannah Evans
There was a match between Rosemary and Savannah Evansvs.Xia Brookside and Lei Ying Lee. Xia and Lei win after Rosemary accidentally sprays Savannah with green mist, and Lei follows up with a spinning kick to Savannah to pick up the pinfall
TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions Heather and Ash by Elegance def. Gigi Dolan & Tatum Paxley . Heather and Ash get the win with a moonsault.Gigi and Tatum put Ashs face into their celebratory cake.
Masha Slamovich def. Jacy Jayne picks up the win with a Brainbuster.Tessa attacks Masha and lays her out.