Chelsea Green retained her Women's United States Championship in the opening match of "WWE NXT" against Sol Ruca with a little help of her "She-cret" Service on Tuesday. Ruca got the match after she pinned Green in a tag team matchalongside Zaria against Green and Piper Niven on the March 4 episode of "NXT."
Ruca was in control to start off the match, until Alba Fyre distracted the referee and Niven attempted to take her out. At some point in the match, Ruca injured her knee, which she continued to sell throughout the bout. She missed a move off the ropes following the distraction and Green gained control throughout a break. Ruca's knee gave out when she attempted to hit another move off the ropes to Green, but she was able to kick out of a pin. She dodged the champion's offense and hit a cartwheel DDT, but Fyre put Green's foot on the bottom rope to breakup the pin. Zaria hit a spear on Fyre, but Niven took her out. Ruca then hit a moonsault off the apron to Niven on the outside.
Green went for the Unprettier when Ruca got back in the ring, but she countered and was able to escape. Green then countered the Sol Snatcher by hitting Ruca's knee and connected with the Unprettier for the victory.