D-Von Dudley isnt sugarcoating anything when it comes to what it was really like working as a WWE producer under Vince McMahon.
The WWE Hall of Famer pulled the curtain back on his time behind the scenes, and lets just sayif you were producing a match Vince didnt like, you knew it real fast.
If he didnt like the match, he would take the headset off, put it on the table, look at you, and say, Come here, why did you do such and such? What was the reasoning for that? D-Von revealed on his podcast. And youd have to explain it to him, why you did what you did. He would either say, Okay, I see that, or he would say, No, that is not what I wanted, this is what I wanted. And you would have to deal with it. Sounds intense? It gets worse.
D-Von said the producers often caught the heat for things even when they werent at fault. Ninety per cent of the time, the producer would be the one to get blamed, he admitted. I used to always say, Listen, once they step through the curtain, I cant hold their hands. If we give them the vision in the back and then they decide to go another route, I cant stop that from happening. Thats something that the big boss would have to reprimand them for. Sometimes he did that, but a lot of times it fell on a producer.
D-Vons behind-the-scenes honesty shines a light on the pressure cooker WWEs producers operate inespecially when your boss is Vince McMahon.
What do you thinkshould producers take the fall when talent veer off-script, or should the blame fall on the wrestlers in the ring? Drop your thoughts in the comments below.