Hello everyone, welcome to the CMLL weekly review! This week we had the finals for the vacant CMLL World Womens Tag Team Championship between AEWs Lady Frost and Taya Valkyrie and Las Chicas Indomables, Lluvia and La Jarochita.
But before on Tuesday, Taya and Lady Frost face off against Persephone and Sanely in a two out of three falls tag team match, defeating them in a solid showing ahead of their big night.
The finale happened in the Homenaje a Dos Leyendas Event; Las Chicas Indomables dressed in white face off against Frost and Valkyrie in a competitive match.
With bodies flying all over the place and after a strong showing for both teams, Lluvia was able to score the win for her team, pinning Lady Frost.
Congrats to Las Chicas Indomables on their big win!
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!