Kevin Owens is all in on how WWE has been shifting gears when it comes to using social mediaand hes not shy about pointing out the difference between now and the pre-Triple H era.
In a recent interview with Adrian Hernandez on Unlikely, Owens opened up about the companys growing embrace of fan-shot footage, storytelling continuity, and respecting the audiences intelligence. He pointed to the now-viral moment at WWE Bad Blood 2024, when he ambushed Cody Rhodes near his tour bus, as the turning point.
Its definitely been a shift in mindset from people at the top, Owens explained. Our fans are smart and watch our product and pay attention and remember things, and can remember things a lot better than other people that were in charge before thought they would because I guess they didnt remember half the stuff we did.
Owens didnt hold back when talking about the creative battles he used to face. I had arguments with the people in charge before. No, this happened three weeks ago, theyre going to remember. They said, No, they wont. Yes, they will. Youre insulting their intelligence by pretending they wont.
But now, under Triple Hs creative vision, things are clicking. Obviously, Triple H does not think like that. He knows fans remember and he applies it and uses it. It makes the product way better, in my opinion.
Owens even flashed back to his younger years as a wrestling fan to make his point: When I was a kid watching, when I was 12, 13, 14, even though I was just a kid, I watched it and remembered everything. When The Sultan showed up, I knew it was [Rikishi]. Why is he The Sultan?
With WrestleMania 41 around the corner, Owens is preparing to face Randy Orton in a match that promises more story beats, chaos, andif recent history is any indicationsome viral-worthy social media content.
Do you agree with Kevin Owens that WWE is finally respecting fan intelligence more than ever before? Is Triple Hs vision working for you? Drop your thoughts in the commentslet us know what you think.