Professional wrestling is one of the most unique spectacles in the world, blending equal parts athleticism with theatre to create programs watched and beloved by generations of fans. As wrestling sees a resurgence in pop culture, new fans may be curious about the wrestling business' encyclopedia of ring-related jargon. The term "work" is one of the most crucial terms for wrestling fans to understand, and yet it is one of the most complex, all-encompassing terms in the business.
"Work," in its different forms, is the through line that connects nearly all of professional wrestling's aspects, from character reactions and storylines to in-ring movesets. Anything that is scripted in a professional wrestling setting is considered a "work" (as opposed to anything that is improvised or off-script, which is known as a "shoot").
There are several versions of the base term "work" that relate to different, scripted aspects of professional wrestling. In regards to in-ring movesets, a wrestler can "work" when they deliver a finisher convincingly. Finishers are special moves that wrestlers often perform in an attempt to end a match in their favor much like a movie has its climax, the professional wrestler has their finisher. When a wrestler performs that climax smoothly and persuasively, as to heighten the drama of a match's finish, it is a measurement of their ability to "work."
For high-flying wrestlers, "work" becomes a term turned outwards towards the crowd. When a high-flier is told to "work" an audience, they are expected to engage the audience with their daring acrobatics. An audience is successfully "worked" when intense top-rope moves or dives to the outside are met with evocative reactions.
All wrestlers may be told to "work gorilla position," which is in reference to the backstage area just before a production's entrance ramp. A wrestler working gorilla position is expected to follow the match script presented to them, and will typically follow any producer cues provided to them. Working gorilla position is essential to a smooth performance, as technical aspects of a wrestling show, such as entrances or surprise appearances, rely on a wrestler's consistency to the predetermined script.
Professional wrestling is just as much about a wrestler's character as it is their moveset. When a wrestler turns heel and becomes the villain in their television storyline, they are expected to "work" the crowd with their dastardly actions and incendiary comments. Heel wrestlers seek to fire up the fans in the seat in order to generate strong reactions. If a wrestler, heel or otherwise, works the crowd enough, they can "get over," or establish a strong connection with the audience.
Professional wrestling's success as an entertainment form can be credited to the concept of "working." When a wrestler works, they are, broadly speaking, helping to establish a setting in which storylines can thrive and audiences can be captivated. The concept of "working" is what sets wrestling truly apart from any other television product.